
  • 1 small head of cabbage
  • 1 cup shredded beets
  • ½ tsp whole cumin seed
  • 1 tsp salt

Chop cabbage into thin ribbons, ¼ inch wide. Shred beets with cheese grater, or chop into very small pieces. Layer all ingredients (including salt) in a large bowl or pan, toss together, and rest 20 minutes. The salt will draw the juices out of the cabbage and beets.

Massage mixture for 5-10 minutes, squeezing and pressing the vegetables to crush them and release as much of the juices as possible. Put vegetables and juice into a pint-sized mason jar, pressing down as you fill the jar so that there are no air bubbles, and the vegetables are covered with juice. Cover with a lid loose enough to allow gases to escape.

Fermentation starts right away, and the kraut will begin to taste a little tangy after 4-7 days when left at room temperature. Taste a little every couple days, and when you get to a good level of sourness (for us this usually takes about a week), put it in the fridge. The kraut continues to ferment and will slowly get more sour over time, but should keep for several months in the fridge. Serve as a topping for burgers, hot dogs, or eggs, mix into cole slaw, throw into a stir fry, or eat a tiny bit alongside other dishes to help you digest your meal.

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